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Temporary situations

There is always a transitional zone in between an old situation and a new situation. This creates temporary situations. This in between is part of the design process and can only be achieved by on-site knowlage.


You have to be on-site to achieve good temporary situations to smoothly guide the old into the new.

Eventhough the bike park has been removed from this place, people still park their bike in the same location as before. It is deeply rooted in them, a habit which the town is trying to force out of them by changing the location of their bike parking. Nothing was wrong with the old situation, people were used to it, knew where to go and what to look out for. The new situation creates disorientation. Disorientation creates accidents.

These stones only have a meaning when they are placed in a parking spot. Piled up together like this, nobody will adhere to the rule it goes with. It is temporarily just an image on a stone, and not a guiding object.

These pipes probably carry water from one place to the next. They should probably be under the ground. But for now, they are not where they should be. This creates a hazard for the ducks that want to cross this field to get to the pond on the other side. A simple construction gives them a chance to cross. A very thoughtful idea which was most likely thought of by someone that lives in the area and saw a duck struggle to get over the pipe. The municipality township is rarely this thoughtful. First-hand, on-site experience, that is what created this, not someone behind a desk.

This painting is temporarily completely changed by the packaging it was put in for shipping. Without the bubble wrap, this painting is very kitsch. With the bubble wrap, it looks like the design piece it is meant to be. The temporary state it is in enhances the quality of the product.  

The car in the drive makes it seem someone is living in this clearly unfinished/unlivable building. It does give a small hint of what the situation will look like once the building is finished.

Shadows of people and the building become one. The shadows are constantly moving. Not just because the people that walk in this hallway are moving, but also because of the sun that moves. Every moment is temporary because the atmosphere, the lights and shadows, the air quality... it is all constantly changing. Nothing is ever set in time.

The station in Breda won the prize for best building in 2017. Even before it was completely finished the ceilings started to show water damage. Now bricks are coming down. To prevent bricks from falling on people and receiving injury claims, costing them a lot of money, they set up a construction to buy themselves some time to and fix the problem. The green net, which is a standard color, brings a welcome pop of color to the whole building.

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